Monday, October 15, 2012

Home at Last

I just took a look at the Blog and realized that I have not updated it since Illinois!!
Shame - Shame!!

We are now home in Plano as of 10/4.  After we left Elgin, we drove north to Minneapolis and spent a few days with Pam and Steve and family, then drove down to Pipestone to see some of my relatives.  We also spent a weekend in Sioux Falls with Jim and Judeen and did get to Sioux City to see Katie and Tim (and had dinner at Bev's, a neat restaurant right by the MIssouri River).

Looking back over the past several months, we had a great time.  Saw a lot of neat stuff and ejoyed the travels.  

We will be in town for the next few months but hope to get out on the road for some short trips early next year.  Will keep you posted...

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