Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Visit from the Styba's

On Friday, July 26th, Lauren, Ben, and Violet arrived at the CG for the weekend.  They are tent campers so here is their site.

Lauren and Violet headed off to the playground while Ben finished setting up.

We took them to Pizza Ranch for supper (where else??) and then Judy and I went to a play in Brandon, SD with my cousin Gary Serie and his wife Shyrl. We had planned this several weeks ago so they got settled in at the CG for the evening.

And, settle in, they did.  On Saturday morning, it was all of 44 degrees!!

Later in the morning there were crafts for the kids in the pavilion.

In the afternoon we walked up the street for "Pow Wow" days here in town. Several Indian families performed by dancing and/or playing the drums. 

On Saturday night we had hamburgers, onions, and beans on the grill (and potato salad and watermelon).


Ben climbed up into a tree and tried to get Violet to come up but she wouldn't have anything to do with it.

So he got someone else to join him.

After supper we walked down to their tent site and had s'mores on their grill.

On Sunday we hung out at the CG (it warmed up - 46 degrees!) and watched Violet play in the playground while Ben packed up.

Violet decided that she wanted to walk to the garbage with me a couple of times so I got Judy to take a picture of us. 

 This is their family picture, including Mia, before they left for home.

We were happy to have them come and camp with us.  We thoroughly enjoyed it!!


  1. Thanks again for a great weekend! These pics are great!

    We love you!
    Ben, Lauren and Violet

  2. What a fun weekend! Love all the pictures!
