Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Pipestone National Monument

Today Judy and I worked from 8 to 11 and had the rest of the day off.  We had a cold front come thru early this AM and the temps dropped considerably to the low 60's.
After lunch we headed over to the monument to walk the trail and also see how pipestone is mined.
Here is the entrance:

This is the stream that is down from the falls that has been running good due to all the rain we have had.


We spotted a deer prancing around in the background (didn't get a picture).

This is part of the walkway thru the park.

Rock formation showing the head of an Indian chief.

Same chief from the other side and on top of the rocks.  You can't see it very well here, but the Indian braves used to leap across to win the Indian princess.

Here is the falls from a distance.

 And up close.

Judy and I are at the top of the falls.

And Emma was down there getting wet from the mist of the falls.

View of the falls from above.

And Grandpa and Grandma down below.

 More scenery.

After the walk we visited the gift store where you can watch one of the tribe working with the pipestone.  On a scale from 1 to 10 the pipestone rock is about a 2 1/2 which makes it possible to saw, drill, and sand the rock into peace pipes, arrow heads, crosses, turtles, etc.  Unfortunately there was no one there working at the time.  Only Indians are allowed to work the pipestone.  We did watch an excellent movie about the history of the area and how the Indians considered this sacred ground.

When we left, it started to rain, but we went to DQ anyway and had some good blizzards and a chocolate-dipped cone.  

We are now back at the CG and the sun is coming back out again.  Tomorrow is supposed to the sunny again.  Yeah!!!

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