Monday, September 13, 2010

Air Force Academy

Well, today we stopped by the AFA on our way out of town at Steve and Tracy's suggestion.  And were we glad we did!!
The Academy is situated on about 10,000 acres and butts up against the mountains.  On our way in, we saw this plane, and, on our way out saw the B52:

We stopped at the visitor center first and took a tour.  They had this glider inside (while outside we saw several gliders in the air.  Apparently, on Mon/Tue/Wed, cadets practice flying them).

Next we walked to the Air Force Chapel which is very unique in its design as can be seen in these pictures:

Today was noon formation day when all the cadets get with their squadrons in the middle of this field which is surrounded by dorms, classrooms, etc.  They then march to lunch.  This first picture is of a jet stationed at one corner of the field.  There are jets at all four corners.

The AF Band starts by marching up this walkway past the plane and then across the field.

Meanwhile, the cadets line up in this field for review and then march out of the field, followed by the Band.  The viewing station is here in the middle of the picture, but you can't really make it out.

There are over 4,000 cadets out there!

Every sqaudron starts marching to the right in this picture to the sidewalk on the other end and then march by the reviewing stand and then turn the corner and are then judged (as seen above).
Below you can get some idea of just how far they have to march.  At the upper right of this picture they go into the mess hall.

The Band brings up the rear as seen here.  (Here you can actually see the size of the field).

Here is one more shot of the Chapel with the mountains in the background.

We spend about 2 hours at the Academy and it was well worth it. 

Thanks again, Steve and Tracy!!

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