Sunday, September 12, 2010

Colorado Springs (3)

Saturday night we visited with my cousin and his wife, Steve and Tracy Serie who live in the northwestern part of Colorado Springs, near the Air Force Academy. Tracy had prepared a great supper on steaks, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and salad. And, as if that wasn't enough, we had chocolate cake and milk later.

On Sunday we went to church at Our Saviours Lutheran in Colorado Springs. We knew Pastor Caryl from when she was a pastor at our church in Plano in 2001. She became very important to our family.  Her husband, Wayne, is pastor at this church so we visited with them during a pot luck lunch that they had after the service.  Here is their picture:

On our way back to the CG we had this impressive view and had to take another picture of it:

Sunday afternoon, Steve and Tracy took us to the Broadmoor Hotel where we toured the hotel and saw pictures of so many well-known people who have stayed there, including, presidents, movie stars, sports figures, comedians, etc.  It was very impressive.
Here are a few pictures of the hotel and grounds:

After the tour, we had supper at this place just down the street from the Broadmoor:

The significance of this restaurant is two fold:
1)  This restaurant was originally in England, but they wanted to raze it, so the entire interior was moved to
      this new location.
2)  Everyone that eats there gets initiated by having the waitress toss a small bee at you and it attaches to
     your shirt!!

The food was especially good.  Afterwards, we had our picture taken:

AND FINALLY -- on the way down the street from the restaurant, we encountered this guy and his friends:

And, YES, they were REAL!!

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