Friday, September 7, 2012

Bar Harbor - Thursday/Friday

On Thursday we took a bus that went all the way to the other side of the island.  Scenic but very laid back.

On Friday we took the bus into Bar Harbor again and then walked several blocks to the shore where it is possible to cross over to Bar Island when the tide is out.

Alot of people doing this, and, looking for shells, etc. Several kids picked up starfish from the water.

We walked across to the other side and took a break.

We sat on the old tree stump and took our own picture!!

Then we walked back into town and did some shopping, and, of course, more ice cream.  Later in the afternoon we walked back to the shore to see what it is like after the tide comes in.

We were surprised how high the tide is.

Then  we walked back into town and found a restaurant for dinner.  Judy had lobster and I had fish and chips.



And, of course, some dessert...

No need to see the fish and chips although it the biggest piece of fish I have seen.

It was long but good day.

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