Friday, September 14, 2012

PEI Ferry

We spent the night at a CG just a few minutes from the ferry and then next day drove over to the port.  On the map you can see New Glasgow and the line that shows the ferry from there to PEI.

We were early – they suggested being an hour early, which we were, so we were first in line. Went to the coffee shop and waited.
This thing was huge – they loaded the cars first – two levels below the main level. Finally they were all loaded and then they took us and about 8 semis!! Apparently they can take up to 210 vehicles!!

This picture shows the front of the ship opening to allow vehicles to enter.

There were alot of cars ahead of us and they went in first. The ship actually has 3 levels and all the cars went below. Then they closed that ramp and let all the big rigs in. You can see our trailer on the left.

Same picture but with more trucks coming in.

'SISTER' ship heading back to Nova Scotia.

Lighthouse on PEI.

The cost to take the ferry over to PEI is -0-, but to come back it would cost about $150. Fortunately for us we planned to take the 8 mile bridge from PEI over to New Brunswick which cost $58.

More about PEI later…

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