Sunday, March 21, 2010

Life While Parked in Texas (Cont'd)

Well, here it is - almost two months after my last post!!.  Time does go by so fast even when retired.

To update you, Judy had a mammogram right after the first of the year and they found a lump again. So it was biopsied and of course was cancer. So on 1/19 she had surgery (mastectomy). They also did a scan of her entire body (neck and lower) and found no evidence of cancer anywhere else. So that was good. There were positive receptors so the Oncologist was going to recommend chemo, but since she had had chemo before, he decided against that because there is a slight chance to getting leukemia. So he gave her a prescription for an oral drug that she will take for five years.

Unfortunately, she has also started having problems with her right eye again in that it would not move. So we had a MRI of her head and found that a growth of some kind was intertwined with her eye muscles. And a biopsy showed that that was cancer (from the breast, which is very rare). So she is now getting 4 weeks (5 days a week) of radiation. She will begin week 4 tomorrow. It only takes about 30 seconds to get the treatment and there are no side affects so far. And the Dr. didn’t really expect any either so that was good news.

After the radiation is completed, then she will have another MRI to see if the growth is gone. If it is, then we may be able to leave Dallas and get on the road again. We had planned to go somewhere down in South Texas for a few weeks in Feb/March and maybe even all the way down and visiting Harold and Edith but that got cancelled with Judy’s medical problems.

We are still hoping to go to Alaska this year but we will have to wait and see what happens with her eye first. If we do go, we plan to leave here and either go up thru California or take a more direct route from here, depending on the time that we have.

For now we are parked at a campground that we have used before that is about 25 miles north of Plano but is only about 5 miles from Julie and Ken so it works out good for us. And the campground is real nice; the couple that run it make sure that there are no ‘problem’ campers here. Seems like there is more activity lately – I guess people are starting to head back home after being in So.Texas for the winter.

Speaking of winter, we have had our share of it!  We had this snow on February 1st.

On March 19th Emma was over and wanted to climb the tree next to our trailer.  Notice the nice weather we were having:

And last night (March 22nd - second day of Spring!!)  we have this:

I was too chicken to go outside myself so these pictures were taken out of our door and that is not our truck or camper.

Julie sent us this picture of Emma on their back patio this morning:

Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 60's so the snow will be gone by tomorrow!

Not much else to report it this time, but when we do decide on our future travels, I will post again.