Wednesday, November 11, 2020

South Texas 2 (sort of)

 Thursday we left Canyon Lake to head back North to Glen Rose, TX for a few days to meet up with Tom and Cindy Clark, good friends of ours for many years.  Tom did work with me at JCP but now works at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center which is one of world's foremost wildlife conservation center.   More about that later.

Across the street from our campground are some interesting boulders.

So many of these rocks have these holes in them and no one knows why.

Had to take a selfie just to prove that we were there!!

On Saturday Tom and Cindi took us out to lunch, but, on the way, we stopped at a popular roadside rest to view the scenery.  They like to bring their lunches out here and eat.

Then we drove to a favorite BBQ place that they like.  

With modern toilets!

No pictures of our food, but it was more than a plateful and delicious.

On Sunday we had a tour of the Wildlife Center.

We rode in this tour bus with Tom driving and narrating. He did an excellent job.  This is Cindy but its not very clear due to the sun.

And then there is Judy and me.

There are 1,800 acres that are home to approximately 1,100 animals spanning 4 dozen species.  

We saw so many animals - pictures below.

We had food (pellets) with us and when you threw some on the ground, they came right up.

There are several giraffe here in the park.

Judy had food in her hand so guess what????

More were here in the shade of the trees.

And then there was this one all by him/her self.

Some animals weren't too happy to see you!!

Others came running when they saw you!!

Ostriechs liked to see you because they knew you had food for them.  But, they would peck at the food in your hand and sometimes it would hurt (just a little bit!!).  So you laid the food on the edge of the window sill, and they ate from there.

At one point we were up on a hill and could see the countryside.

We did stop for lunch and had take-out that we took into the shade of some trees and sat on a picnic table to eat.
This picture is of the 4 of us waiting for our bag lunch with the preserve in the background.

These animals knew you had food too, so they came right up and ate what you threw on the ground.

Notice the distinctive markings on their rear.

There is also a ranch house on the grounds that can be rented by several different groups.  Or you can have a wedding here as well.

They have these giraffe penned in a small area.

In case you don't notice it, these were not real - they were at the end of the tour!

It was a fantastic ending to a great trip!!  If you have the time, you should definitely take the tour.