Wednesday, December 29, 2010

November/December 2010

Well, it is now  almost the end of December and I haven’t written for some time.  Too busy, I guess.  Anyway, we have had our DR appointments – Judy had another pet scan and the results showed that the spot on her lungs has decreased!  So that is great news.  She will have another scan in February.
We travelled with Ken and Julie, Gehrig and Emma to Nashville for Thanksgiving with Belinda, Bryan, and Bailey.  We ate all the usual good food and did some sightseeing as well.  We went to ICE! At the Gaylord Operaland which was unique. 

They have specially constructed rooms of crafted ice sculptures that take you on a journey through the Christmas story, Santa Claus is Coming to Town. 

 It is definitely a chilly adventure – a constant 9 degrees!  You are given long heavy parkas with hoods to wear thru it, and, believe me, we needed them. 
Very cool looking if I must say so myself!!
One particular interactive section included an ice slide that most of us tried out. 

Back at the house, cookies were made:
And they waited (patiently) for them to be done.

We also went to the Nashville Zoo and got to see a lot of the zoo even though it was quite cool.

Belinda, Julie and Judy spent Thanksgiving morning planning their Black Friday escapade (which actually started on the eve of Black Friday and went all night.  They came home around 7 AM and Judy stayed home while the girls went back out for MORE shopping.  Not anything I would want to do, but they had some things they wanted and that was the way they had to do it.

We have also gone to Massachusetts to visit Larry, Jacky, and Hannah.  We left TX on 12/15 and came back on the 20th.  We celebrated Hannah’s 12th birthday by going bowling and also had an early Christmas with them.

We got to watch Larry make muffins at the restaurant (which he or Jacky do almost every day) - 9 different flavors:

And Jacky makes salads daily as well - here are two of them:

Larry and Hannah made Christmas cookies before we left.

Now that we are back in TX, we are planning our trip south to the RGV (Rio Grande Valley for all you non-RVers) in January.  We plan to leave around the 5th of January.  We’ll update you on that after we get back.