Monday, January 2, 2012

Travel Plans Delayed

Our holidays were somewhat subdued this year as our truck was stolen.

Every year we fly to MA to see Larry and family for a week.  Because we always take an early flight out, we stay at a motel near the airport the night before.  The next morning they take us to the airport, and, when we come home, they pick us up and bring us back to the motel to get our truck.  Well, this year our truck was NOT there.  GONE!!
We filed a police report and notified our insurance.  Because it was stolen, we have to wait 30 days before the insurance company will settle.  We have a rental car but are now stuck where we are until we can get a replacement truck.  Bummer!!

Fortunately our trailer was still here in the RV Park so we do have a place to stay!

We did attend church on Christmas Eve (7PM and 11PM as the choir sang at both).  We went to Julie and Ken's for Christmas Day and had a great time watching them open gifts and spending the day with them. And on Monday we went up to OK to visit with Ken's family.  Had a real nice time there as well.

We were at Julie and Ken's again on New Year's Eve with the Strain family and had a great time playing games with the kids (Minute to Win It games) and watching the football game too.  Saw the new year in at midnight!! (Can't remember the last time we did that!!).

Currenly looking for another truck - there aren't many out there so far.  We have until January 20th and then we should get the insurance settlement, so we do have some time yet.  However, our travel plans are now on hold - we were going to So. TX but may have to put it off.  Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

We'll post again at a later date to let you know how things are going...

Larry & Judy