Saturday, September 10, 2016

Two Harbors, MN - Tall Ships Rally 6

On Sunday we did go to church.  Not sure which one we ended up at, but the service was led by a folk singer and his wife who signed.  Very moving service.

Her claim to fame was that she was an actress in NY which meant that she was a waitress!!!  Actually, she was featured in the very first Diet Coke commercial way back when.
She also said she didn't know he was so tall because when she first met him, he was sitting down!!

In the afternoon the folk singer was presenting a concert at the band shell in town so we went to it.  It was alot of fun.  He had jokes, name that tune, etc. and kept everyone involved.

After the concert we headed over to the brewery one last time and met many of our group there.  Only had beer this time as we wanted to go out to a restaurant for dinner.  The first place we went to said they were out of food.

OUT OF FOOD??  Maybe they didn't want our large group.  So we found another bar and grill and had a nice meal.

Back to the campground to say goodbyes to everyone with promises to meet again next Spring in the Hill Country and then again in August in NE to view the solar eclipse.  Looking forward to both...

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