Sunday, March 27, 2011

Apache Junction (Day 2)

Today is Saturday and we drove about 15 minutes east of our CG to a place called 'Goldfield Ghost Town.' 

Back in the 1890's gold was found here and the town flourished to about 5,000 people, but when the vein faulted, it died a slow painful death. 

We did witness an old west gunfight right on main street which was fun to watch. 

The saloon gals actually won this fight!!

Took a train ride around the town and learned about everything that went on back in those days.

Later, we drove over to Denise and Joe's house for an delicious meal of salad, white chili, and beer. Denise is the daughter of Russ and Elvira Diefenback who we knew back in the 80's when we lived in NJ.  Here are a few pictures:

We had a great time getting to know Joe (they were just married last November) and seeing their home and playing with their dogs.

1 comment:

  1. How come you never talk about having fun playing with our sweet puppy, Bella? (hee)
