Friday, March 4, 2011

North to Alaska

Well, I think the time has actually come where we can say that we are going to Alaska!!!!!

Click on the address below and it will give you the link to go to;  then click on the play button on the left to get the full affect:

Our plans are taking shape and we are leaving Melissa, TX on March 21st and are planning to be in Alaska by June 1st.  We hope to spend the summer there and start our trek back to the lower 48 by the end of August.  If all goes as planned, we will be back in TX around November 1st.

Our itinerary (mapped out) is as follows: (if you click on it a couple of times, it will get larger - and easier to read!)

I'll post a more complete itinerary in the next few days.

Stay tuned...

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