Sunday, March 27, 2011

Apache Junction (Day 3)

Today is Sunday and we went to church this morning.  It was quite crowded, and, at the beginning of the service, the pastor mentioned that he knew that some people would be leaving this week to return to their homes up north.  So he asked just how many people were leaving.  Out of about 300 people, 75 raised their hands!  It gave us an idea of just how many snowbirds come down here for the winter months!

After lunch we drove over to Bob and Maureen Pivec's home.  (Bob is the brother of Steve, who is married to Judy's sister, Pam).  They used to live in Minneapolis but retired and moved here about 18 months ago.  Jim and Meg Pivec (from Washington) were also here visiting.  We got a tour of the community on their golf cart which was very impressive. 

It was a great afternoon with good food (Bob's chicken wings, and Maureen's salad) and fried rice and bread.  Later we had dessert out on the patio.

We made plans to visit Jim and Meg in Washington sometime in early May as we continue to make our way north to Alaska.

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