Monday, June 3, 2013

Emma Has Arrived!!

Saturday morning Judy and I drove up to Minneapolis and picked up Julie and Emma from the airport.

Julie decided that these two weeks should be called "Granpa/Grandma Camp" for Emma as she will be attending a couple of other camps later this summer.
We spent the evening at Pam and Steve's (although they were not there - they were in Indianapolis visiting Matt and Jenelle).  Molly was at the house and Lauren, Ben, and Violet, and Stephanie and Jesse came for supper (pizza).
We got to bed late but were up early to go to church (Molly had to work so it was Julie, Emma, Judy and me).

After church we went to Perkins for lunch and then to the airport by noon so Julie could catch her 2PM flight back to Dallas.  We drove back to Pipestone (about 180 miles) with Emma and arrived around 5PM.  The owners, Earl and Suzzane, had pizza for all of us work campers and then discussed some of the things they expected of us.  All was good.

Yesterday on our way home, my tire sensor went off about 100 miles from Pipestone.  We stopped and I checked the air in each tire and found that one only had 30 lbs of air in it!!  I could see a nail in the tread, and, with no place to get it changed on a Sunday, we found a gas station and filled it up with air.  About 50 miles later I checked it again and it was down to 30 lbs again.  So i filled it up again and then made it to the campground.  It still had about 40 lbs then.  However, by this morning (Monday) it was FLAT!!  I put the spare on and then took it to a tire place in town to get it repaired.  They found this in the tire:

How does an L wrench this size get into a tire in the first place??  Anyway, it is now plugged and all is good!

While I was at the tire shop Judy and Emma played putt-putt golf and then Emma did some tree climbing:

 When I got back to the CG, we had some lunch, went to the grocery store, came back, and then went swimming in the pool.

It was only about 65 degrees out and the wind was blowing (20-30 but the pool is heated to 85 degrees so it was great.  Hated to get out though!

Accross the road from the CG is Fort Pipestone - a great gift shop.

Here are some pictures of the campground,  This site (on the other side of the wagon) is where Judy and I have camped for years in the popup camper.

Emma liked the ditch so she decided to roll down it:

Here is a picture of the the putt-putt course:

And a picture of the office:

Tonight we got the grill out and had hamburgers.  For those of you that have been following our blog:  last year about this time, we were in Mississippi and some friends dropped by while I was cooking:  

This year I had Emma and Judy:

After supper Emma and I closed up the pool (pulled the tarp out over the pool to keep the water warm) and then came back and had s'mores over the leftover coals.  Perfect ending to a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates! Love that she gets to spend this special time with you two.
