Friday, April 1, 2011

5th Stop - Palm Springs, CA

Well, we made it to Palm Springs from Phoenix on Monday.  It turned out to be a long drive since we were on I-10 the whole way - alot to cars and trucks and not alot of scenery along the way.
We did enter California finally and the scenery improved:

 We found our Thousand Trails CG and got parked. 

Just a couple of palm trees in the park.

It was very crowded (even with over 430 sites).  But on Tuesday the big pullout started - I guess, just like Apache Junction - they are all headed back home.   I think they saw the weather forecast as well because by Wednesday the temp was starting to climb.  Yesterday and today the temp has been over 100 degrees!
Anyway, on Tuesday night we had dinner with my cousin, Joanne, and her husdand, Greg.  They come out here for 3 months during the winter and were leaving to head back to St. Cloud, MN on Thursday so our timing was perfect!
On Wednesday we found the post office, Walmart, CVS, and Trader Joes.  At TJ's we had to pick up some snacks, including the infamous chocolate chip dunkers!!
Last night we went to a street fair in downtown Palm Springs.  It takes place every Thursday evening from 6 to 10 PM.  The street is blocked off for about a mile and vendors set up their tents - everything from art to music to food.
We bought a funnel cake, sat on the curb and ate it, and watched the people.

We walked the entire street fair and on the way back had to eat again.  We bought some Chinese food, and, again, sat on the curb behind a food stand.  Looking at what they were cooking for Gyros, I think we should have had one.

The first picture shows him cooking the onions, lettuce, etc.

This one shows the meats that are cooking:

We left about 9:30 and thought we would be back to the CG in about 20 minutes.  Little did we know that I-10 was closed ahead and traffic was stopped.  We edged along for 2 miles until we got to an off ramp, went accross the road to the on ramp and back on the freeway.  They were working on the bridge so everyone had to get off.  Took us about 1 & 1/2 hours in all.

Tomorrow we break camp and head into LA - actually Annaheim where our CG is.  It is the closest CG to Disneyland (but we don't plan to go there!).  My cousins, Denny and Rick Barkley, and their families live here so we will see them tomorrow and Sunday.

More later...

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