Friday, September 14, 2012

Prince Edward Island - Cavendish

On Saturday we drove to Cavendish to see Anne of Green Gables National Park. 

Prince Edward Island Map

A couple of pictures on the drive over there.

We did a lot of walking the grounds and learned more about the book and the author.



This walkway took about 20 minutes to get to her grandparents' house.

This is all that is left of the house.


On the way back to our CG, we took a couple more pictures.

Judy liked the cloud pattern in this one.

We went to a bingo night at the CG on Saturday night.  The room was full and the entertainment was not to be missed.  At the beginning, all those who had not played bingo there before had to stand up.  We were called Bingo Virgins and had to go to the front of the room and take a jello shot!!
We did not win anything but had an excellent time visiting with the people sitting at our table.  More stuff went on during the evening, but you’ll have to ask us about it!!! 

We met a couple from Ontario and when we mentioned going to Quebec and Toronto, they said that there are MAJOR road repairs in both cities and that delays could be extensive, so we opted to skip that part of our trip and just come back into the states in Maine.
More later… 

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