Friday, September 7, 2012

Shelburne, Nova Scotia

We got our batteries on Wednesday morning (and they are working!) and left Digby for Shelburne which is a quaint fishing town. 
Located in the lower left corner of the map.

Very nice bay here with several historic homes along the waterfront.  This area was first settled by Loyalists who came from the colonies because they wanted to remain under British rule.
We found our CG and got set up.  Nice little pond behind us. 

a suped-up golf cart here!!

Took this shot thru the truck window so it didn't come out too well, but I think you get the picture!!

We drove into Shelburne and toured the 3 museums along the waterfront.
This particular building houses the Dory museum where they still make Dory boats.

This gentleman built Dories all his life (over 75 years).
We got a first-hand look at how they are made. 

Later we drove around and found a beach along the Atlantic.
Of course, as we stood there, the tide came in!
The sand is extremely fine.
A rocky portion of the beach.

A lighthouse in the distance.

On our way out of the CG, we saw this sign - a little more humorous than just :No Littering!!!!"

Next Stop - Lunenburg...

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