Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Jerome, AZ

Jerome is an old mining town up in the mountains about 20 miles from our CG.
In the old days, they mined copper, gold, and zinc.

It was a beautiful drive up there.

First stop was a 'scenic view' of the area.

Always snow in the mountains somewhere!

From here we could see the town of Jerome.

Next stop was the State Park.

Since mining was popular here, there is a lot of old equipment on display.

This is actually a hotel in operation here.

Another building but I don't think it was in operation.

Then we drove further up to the Copper Camp and 'Ghost Town.'

You have to pay to visit the ghost town, but, if you are 75 or older, you get in for free.  Such a deal.

Many old vehicles here.


Some have been restored.

I think you will get the picture when you scroll down.

A dentist's office.

A shoe maker's building.

A laundry.

A home from those early days.

We walked up and down some of the streets (if you could call them that!!).

An old mine entrance.

Some animals, of course.

This was on the way down back to Jerome.

One of the buildings along the main drag.

When we left, we got a great view of the lower valley.

That's all folks!!