Monday, April 18, 2011

9th Stop - Ft. Bragg, CA

Yes, that is Ft. Bragg, CA not Ft. Bragg, NC. (no Army base here!!). 

Yesterday we attended Palm Sunday services in Morgan Hill here:

 This was the picture on the screen above the alter at the front of the church.  

Today we left the Morgan Hill CG but not before seeing this deer on the hillside:

We drove up I-880 thru most of the San Francisco/Oakland area.  Unfortunately, we got caught in a traffic jam due to an accident about 5 miles ahead of us.  Took us about 2 hours to get thru it!  Once we got moving, everything was fine. 

We crossed the Richmond/San Rafael Bridge ($8.25) (a double decker bridge):

and headed up CA Hiway 101.  At Willets:

we headed west on CA-20, a 32 mile trip accross a mountain range that took over an hour to drive.  I don't think we ever got up to 40 MPH due to all the curves going up and down several times.  Here are a couple of pictures (got foggy at some point):

Pictures don't show the grades of the roads - one of the downhill grades was 10% but we didn't have any problems.  The traffic was somewhat heavy, and, there would be cars behind us.  Fortunately, there were numerous turnoffs for slower traffic (like us!).

We made it to Ft. Bragg, turned on to CA-1 (a very scenic drive from SF all the way to the Oregon border):

and found our CG (Pomo RV Park and CG) - very nice.  A couple of pictures:

We got settled in pretty quickly, don't you think??

We had planned to stay here only one night, but, because we got here so late, we signed up for 2 days.  After looking over the touristy stuff, I think we may be here a little longer.

We'll let you know later...

1 comment:

  1. That looks like cycling country.... So glad to catch up on your travels!
