Thursday, April 28, 2011

13th Stop - Elma, WA

Today we broke camp (in the rain and 'sleet') and left our CG near Pacific City.  We drove north again on Hiway 101 thru Tillamook where Tillamook Medium Cheddar Cheese is produced:

And we continued to follow the shoreline.  It rained most of the trip which meant that the seas were rough:

We drove thru many small towns and had coastal views most of the way.  We got to Astoria, which is the northern-most town in Oregon.  Astoria is home to the first permanent US settlement west of the Rockies (1805).  We crossed this bridge over the Columbia River into Washington:

All along the coastline, from Brookings to Astoria, we met or followed these guys:

I think Weyerhauser is the major logger here.

Once into Washington we left the coast and traveled on an easterly route to our present CG here in Elma, which is about 25 miles west of Olympia.  We got setup here in sunny skies, only to have a short rain shower about an hour after we arrived.  And then the sun came back.

We plan to stay here until Monday when we travel up to norhern WA.  In the meantime, we will be stocking up on supplies for our trip thru Canada and into Alaska.  We are also planning to meet Steve's brother, Jim, and his wife, Meg, who live here in Olympia on Sunday.  We saw them in Phoenix when they were visiting another brother, Bob, and his wife, Maureen.

To sum up our trip thru Oregon, we would have to say that it was awesome!!
Here is a map of the coastline from Brookings to Astoria.   Hiway 101 is called the Pacific Coast Scenic Byway.

Here is another map showing you our progress since March 21st:
I think that brings you up-to-date at this time.  Will write more in a few days...

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