Saturday, August 20, 2016

Visits with Relatives

The first morning I did my fishing while Judy went with Donna and Karin and Pam and Steve to a concert at the State Park.

Pam and Steve did a little dancing.

Later we were all at Donna and Karin's lake cabin.

Donna's Mom, Elaine, and her husband, John, were at their cabin for a few days.
We were all around the table.  From the left is:  John, Karin, Donna, Pam, Steve, me, and Elaine.

Same picture but now Judy is in it.

View of their cabin from the lake.

One of the days we were there, a friend of Donna and Karin - Craig - brought his boat over and he and I went fishing.  We caught several fish - sunnies, northerns, and bass but we decided to throw all back rather than clean them.  We had a good time out there.

Another time Karin and I went out on the lake so that I could do a little fishing. We anchored in an area where the bass were supposed to be biting but really didn't get anything.  We decided to go back to another area where Karin could do a little swimming.  On the way I thought Karin had the motor at half speed, but unknown to me, she was wondering why the motor wasn't moving us faster. Lo and behold, we had not pulled in the anchor!!  Things went much smoother (and faster) after that!

You know you are in Minnesota when you see street signs like this one!!

Donna and Karin have a 4-wheeler that they like to use whenever they can. There are several trails throughout the area where they can use it.

We had a great time visiting with them, had many laughs, and we ate and drank well!!

While we were there, we all did drive to Brainerd (about 2 hours south) to see Judy and Pam's uncle and aunt, Kenny and Betty.  Kenny and Betty are Elaine's parents and Donna's grandparents.  That will be on another blog.

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